NEWS – FEB 22 2016

5km Fun Run/Walk in Coláiste Phobal Roscrea

On Tuesday, 19th January, 5th Year Leaving Cert Applied Group organised a 5km Fun Run/Walk in our school.  This was one of the tasks that they have to do for their exam.  All of the Transition Years took part, as well as members of the Schools’ Athletics Team. The LCA’s collected money from participating students and they stood at points along the route to ensure the safety of all. LCA, along with their teacher, Ms. Ryan, decided to raise money for ‘Adam’s Gift’, an initiative set up by The Order of Malta, after the tragic death last year of Adam McAndrew, a past pupil of our school.

Each participant paid €5 and in total, €500 was raised on the day.  This event was a great success and both students and staff enjoyed the Fun Run.  It is hoped there will be more similar events organised in the future, to support charities and to increase fitness levels amongst the student population.

Coláiste Phobal Roscrea students with Principal Mr. O’Connor prior to their Fun Run for ‘Adam’s Gift’.



The College is currently recruiting for its PLC programmes for the next school year.  This year the College is introducing two new, exciting programmes in Construction Technology and Social and Community Care at QQI Level 5 and revising the Business Technology programme to include a tourism component.  The College currently offer courses in Childcare, Community Development and Youthwork, Nursing Studies, Healthcare and Business Technology at level 5.  It offers Advanced Administration with HR at level 6.  We encourage interested candidates to apply early as last year there were waiting lists for many of our programmes.  If you have any queries or wish to apply online, visit our website at, or phone the College at (0505) 23939 and the PLC Co-ordinator, Mary McGrath or Tutors will be happy to assist you.  The College will be running an Information/Enrolment Evening on Monday, 7th March at 8 pm.


Green-Schools Poster Competition – Coláiste Phobal Roscrea

In December 2015, the Green-Schools Committee ran a poster competition in our school.  The aim of the poster competition was to raise awareness of the work of the Green-Schools Committee and to make all students and staff aware of the slogans that we have for our three themes.  The first slogan is ‘Beauty dies where litter lies’.  This is the slogan that students came up with for the Litter and Waste Flag.  We achieved this flag in 2008.

We then went on to work on the Energy Theme.  Our slogan for this theme was ‘Switch off at the socket and save in your pocket’.  We achieved this flag in 2013.

The Third Green Flag is for the Water theme.  This is a very topical issue at the moment and we are all coming to realise the importance of water and how necessary it is to conserve it.  The water slogan is ‘Do your part, be water smart’.

We have undertaken lots of jobs around the school and have encouraged both students and staff to conserve water, wherever possible.

Some of the things we have done so far this school year are as follows:

  1. We took regular readings of the water metre.
  2. We placed stickers around the school raising awareness about water conservation.
  3. We post tweets to our school Twitter Feed, @cpr on a weekly basis.
  4. We have installed two water butts, which were kindly donated by the Parent’s Association in our school.
  5. We ran a poster competition.
  6. We meet every two weeks to discuss what needs to be done around the school.
  7. We have worked closely with CSPE and Science teachers.
  8. One of our committee members drew a beautiful picture of the Water Cycle and we have placed this on our Notice board.
  9. Transition Year students empty the compost and recycling bins on a regular basis.
  10. We endeavour to maintain work on our two existing flags and encourage students and staff to recycle, where possible and to use less energy both at home and in school.

Cyberbullying Talk

We are very pleased to announce that we are hosting a talk on Cyber Bullying and Internet Safety for Parents, here in the school on Thursday 25th 

February at 7.30pm.

The talk is being delivered by Jeremy Pagden, the Managing Director of Schools Websites.  Jeremy has been travelling all over the country delivering Internet Safety talks to both Parents and children alike.